Monday, February 2, 2009

Skin 'em With Flowers

Let a hundred flowers blossom. (This is a link. One of my sisters does not know that) What an elegant way to skin a cat with flowers.

In an atmosphere of open invitation to thoughts for change perhaps senior military officers are making the greatest all time mistake in judgment. Good judgment is what an officer is paid for. Bad judgment is what he dies for.

Having forgotten their role and perhaps misjudging President Obama's open invitation for people to take their seat at the table of government and governance, maybe these guys think they have an equally open invitation to the party.

This looks like they are eager to make their own thoughts publicly known and only slightly veiled as presented through their retired surrogates.

Bad judgment will be reflected on their fitness report. Along with a comment that they are unfit to serve. Go ahead, make a third party to inflate your retirement income.

Ever heard of a general named MacArthur?

Some senior officers displayed their lack of judgment in the last administration. Are they so arrogant to think they will not be evaluated in the current one?

Admiral Rickover had a policy that an officer stayed in their position long enough for their mistakes to catch up with them. Then they were required to stay and fix them if they honestly could. To determine which ones could and would they were simply asked: Is that the best you could do? That is the hardest question to ask a truly dedicated person. Those that are not skin themselves with the arrogant answer.

Has President Obama stuck a flower in their gun barrel? One that will cause a backfire when they pull the trigger.

Shooting someone with their own rifle when it is pointed at you is the flip side of disposing of them by inducing them to fall upon their own sword. Neither is nice nor is any weapon that we live by when used for other than defense.

That is as elegant as it gets with the military.

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